Once called North Los Angeles, the neighborhood known as Northridge is a jewel of the San Fernando Valley, home to California State University, Northridge (CSUN), and some of the region’s best public and private schools. Northridge combines urban living with access to the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside, including the nearby Chatsworth Reservoir and Lake Balboa. Overall, this neighborhood features endless fun things to see and do. Visit this link for more information.
Kid-Centric Activities
Head out for some old-fashioned roller skating on rainy days at Skateland Northridge. You can also explore their love of the stars at the Donald E. Bianchi Planetarium for shows, speakers, and exhibits. You can also foster their love of live arts and entertainment by catching a concert at the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts. Read about Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA, Is a Family-Friendly Community here.
Fun for All
There are plenty of ways to enjoy Northridge as an adult. The area features many poke spots, brunch places, and friendly pubs. A handful of cozy coffee shops and bakeries cater to both the family and student crowds. There is also a plethora of shopping in Northridge, especially at the expansive Pacific Northridge Fashion Center.